Posts Tagged ‘core values’

Success in 2012: Got MAP – will travel!

January 12, 2012

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

How many of you intend to make more money this year? Raise your hand or say “I do?” Yup – thought so. Great! Now those of you that raised your hands and said yes, how many of you have actually laid out a road map to see how you’re going to get from here to there?

The problem is that our intentions are always to do better, be better, make more money, get a promotion, start a company etc., but rarely does the enthusiasm of the new year last as long as our hangovers. Why? Wishful thinking and idle dreams made up in our heads on a whim or because we think we should do something are no match for commitments coupled with targeted action.

So, how committed are you to creating the success you want and deserve this year? What are you willing to do to make it happen?

Being successful this year is going to take 3 things: great people skills, clear directions, and clarity. And these three items will require impeccable communication and leadership skills. The good news is that those who invest in targeted training and development will create more long-term sustainable results in a much shorter time than they would on their own. The bad news is that those who do not take action to institute change will be in the exact same spot on December 31st as they are today!

So, why would you invest in targeted training and development with a coach?

  • If you are stuck in a business model that is not getting the results you want then it is time for a change. It is time to get an outside perspective. I can help you.
  • If you want to get you and your team organized, refocused, and recharged for future growth, I can help you.
  • If you want to bridge the gap between your goals and actions, I can help you.
  • If you want a step-by-step plan tailored to the needs of you and your team, I can help you.
  • My clients include CEO’s, business owners, and organizational leaders who are looking for the answer to the question, “How can I get the results I need NOW?” I have proven strategies and tools that I can teach you to get the results immediately and improve your bottom line. But YOU must be willing to change.

January 1st, 2012 opened a new book, and that new book is called Opportunity. As the above quote says, the pages are blank. You are the author. What will your book say about you and your business at year’s end? Will it say that you had a plan, took action, got the support you needed, and had the best year ever? Or will the book still be empty? It’s up to you.

Here is the bottom line: if your goal is to make more money and create the success you want and deserve, you must have a road map and plan of action to that success. But you won’t get anywhere if you don’t have a map. If you don’t know where to start, call me. I know I can help.

© 2012 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

Passion Is Everything! Or What Would Steve Jobs Do?

October 12, 2011

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying, I’ve done something wonderful. That’s what matters.” – Steve Jobs

What came up for me as I listened to the interview was how many times I had settled, allowed fear to keep me stuck, and didn’t reach my goal because I was afraid to think big and dream big. People come to me everyday who are living life drifting along accepting the status quo, only to finally wake up and realize they could have had more if they’d only taken action earlier to act upon their dreams.  I have come to realize that life is meant to be lived with passion and purpose, think bigger and bolder about myself, and help others do the same. The universe will test you to see if you are serious. Be aware.

1.   Never Settle. Do what you love no matter what it is. Passion is everything. How many of you live your lives at half mast, settling for less than what you want because you think that is all there is so you’d better take it? Or you were afraid that you might fail.

2.   Put a dent in the universe with big, bold clear visions. Follow your heart. You will never know what you can achieve until step out. There was no doubt where Steve wanted to go and what his visions were. What about you? Are your visions clear?

3.   Say No to 1,000 things. Focus. Simplicity. Reduce clutter in your mind and in your actions. It’s real easy to get blindsided by the bright shiny objects that take us away from what we truly want. Steve took his vision of 100 products down to 10 so that he could focus and achieve the results he wanted. He also decided that his daily uniform was going to be a black turtleneck and blue jeans so he didn’t have to think about what he’d wear that day.

4.   Kick start your brain.Always keep an inquiring mind. You have to keep asking different questions to get different results than you have been getting. Surround yourself with out of the box thinkers.

5.   Sell dreams, not products. Innovation is key. People don’t buy products: they buy the experience of what that product is going to do for them and how they are going to feel once they have it. Are you selling your clients dreams or products?

6.   Create insanely great experiences.When Steve opened his first Apple Store, there were no sales clerks. There were Concierges to answer questions and there was a bar in the back of the store, not a liquor bar but a genius bar so that you could see and experience the result of having an Apple product.

7.   Master the message. Your success is directly related to how well you communicate your message. You can have the best product in the world, the most up to date information, but if you can’t communicate that experience to another person in a way that they can see themselves living it, you are dead in the water.

So, the next time you find yourself settling for less, stuck, following someone else’s dreams, giving up, resigned, ask yourself, what would Steve Jobs do? And then go do it.

And if you haven’t already got a copy of my book, Climbing The Ladder of Success In High Heels – Without Stepping On Your Values to jumpstart your heart and get you moving in the right direction, click here to purchase today!

© 2011 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

February 1, 2011

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

This month I want to share with you a story about how you can get totally derailed when you least expect it, but how keeping a positive attitude can overcome any obstacle.

A couple of years ago, I was planning to go to a Business Marketing and Mindset Conference and had been eagerly anticipating it for over 8 months. Two days before I was to leave, I found out that I needed knee surgery. To top it all off, my doctor told me it needed to be done as soon as possible.

Of course, he wanted me to cancel my attendance at the conference due to the fact that I could not walk or stand too long. I won’t go into all the blah, blah details, but I went home and cancelled everything to have the surgery and after rethinking this dilemma, had my assistant uncancel them.

Here’s the deal. Sometimes when crisis or breakdowns occur, we react as opposed to responding.

This is what happened to me. I knew that it was important for me to be at that conference for myself and my business. Plus I wasn’t willing to give up my plan and wait another year until the next class. Once I made the decision to be there, the HOW showed up for me. I can hear you all saying, ‘Is she crazy?’ Some would say yes, but I prefer not to think I am.

However, I had faith that I could go to this conference and take care of myself at the same time. I asked for support at the airport, kept my knee propped up during class, and did not walk unnecessarily. And guess what? It worked out fine. I learned a lot, had fun, and met some fabulous, creative entrepreneurs from all over the country.

If you are in the process of growing your business, the most important component of your success, next to the products you offer, is your attitude. And yes, I know you know this, but what kind of attitude are you using?

Sometimes that little negative critic, ego, or whatever you call the pest in your head, can be negatively relentless, especially when you are stepping out of that cushy, comfort zone.

One of the obstacles my clients come to me with is that they know what to do, but can’t seem to get past the ‘Yeah, But’s’ to take action.

Here are three steps that will help you move through the ‘Yeah, But’s’ and the negative stuff that keeps you procrastinating and not trusting yourself:

  1. Get clear about what you want and where you are going in your business. Write it down on paper. If you’re not sure, make a list of what you don’t want in your business. That way you’re not out there spinning your wheels and wasting your money.
  2. Become aware of the fears that are keeping you stuck. Remember one of the many definitions of fear is false expectations appearing real. Write down what those fears are. Could it be that you’re afraid of failing? Could it be that you believe you’re not smart enough? Or could you even be afraid of success? Awareness and consciousness helps you work through them and determine whether they are real or perceived.
  3. Get rid of excuses and playing the blame game. You are accountable for your life and what you want in it. And unless you’re Shirley MacLaine, you only get one life. This is not a practice run. You can go to your grave with lots of regrets and missed opportunities or you can go fulfilled and complete. It is your choice!

What I know for sure is that if you want different results in the future, you must be willing to change the attitude, beliefs, and fears that are holding you back NOW so that you can grab all that gusto that is waiting for you.

Who knows how high you’re capable of soaring?

If you need help keeping your mindset and attitude positive, give me a call or drop me an email to set up an appointment to chat.

© 2011 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

The Year 2011: Commitments vs. Confusion

January 11, 2011

“In beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in expert’s mind there are few.”- Suzuki Roshi

By now, most of you are coming out of the Christmas Cheer Coma and are back at work scratching your head and saying to yourselves, “Whew!” Now what?” Your doors are open, your butt’s in the chair, but you’re not too sure where you want to go yet.

And of course, with the New Year comes our infamous New Year’s Resolutions. You know the ones like, “I’m going to get healthy. I’m going to make a million dollars,” and so on. Unfortunately, the problem with most resolutions is that they don’t last as long as the hangovers. Why is that? I have learned that most resolutions are about what you think you should or should not do as opposed to what you choose to do, whereas making a commitment to change is a whole different ball game. Commitment is making a conscious choice to do something with your whole being. That type of commitment comes from your core, not your ‘Guilt Gremlin.’ If you do take this route, ultimately you don’t end up shooting yourself in the foot as often.

There is a quote by Suzuki Roshi that says, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.”

If you are going to be about making changes this year, then tack this quote to your forehead. The idea of beginner’s mind is to empty your mind of old ideas and old beliefs that can keep you stuck so that you can be open and ready for new possibilities that will take where you want to go.

You can’t determine where you’re going in your business or your life unless you determine where you have been. And you can’t get there asking the same questions you asked last year. You need a fresh perspective. You have to do a little excavating. New Year + New Goals + New Questions + New Actions = Results and Success.

Here are 4 questions to ponder to get you started and pointed in the right direction for the new year. This is not a test but you may want to take out a note pad and pen and jot down your answers.

  1. What were my accomplishments last year? Write them all down so you don’t forget them.
  2. What worked and what didn’t work in last year’s plan? Be honest with yourself.
  3. What are you going to have to do differently (action steps) in 2011 to take you to your next level of success?
  4. What kind of support are you going to need to reach your goals?

Keep in mind, the only thing that changed on January 1st was the date. Now you have to decide if it will be a year full of opportunities and possibilities, or just more of the same old same old for the next 364 days. If you like what you are doing and don’t want to change, keep doing what you are doing. However, if you don’t like the way your business/career or life has been going, now is the time to make some changes to get it right.

The key is to get clear about what you want to change and your goals for getting there. And most importantly, enlist the support you need to get there. It really does help to have an outside perspective. Accountability is a key ingredient to attaining your goals and making sure you reach your next level of success.

And if you’re wanting to make 2011 your best year ever, give me a call or drop me an email and I will help you get there with less stress and more success.

© 2011 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

Getting Back to Business Basics

October 5, 2010

“Tell me and I forget; show me and I remember; involve me and I understand.” – Anonymous

For the past two years I’ve noticed that there’s been a shift in the way consumers want to interact with businesses. The ‘slap ‘em on the back’ semi-patronizing approach to selling isn’t cutting it anymore. Today’s consumer is way too savvy to be snowed under by fake smiles, insincerity, and they don’t like to feel that they’re simply a number in your bottom line.

So, how do you build relationships with new clients?

By getting back to business basics.

Let me give you an example of what I mean by that statement. Do you remember going to the local grocery store with your parents back when you were a child? The man behind the counter at the meat section always seemed to know your mother’s (or father’s) name, and that they always wanted a sirloin roast, around 5 pounds, every second Friday. Or the operator of the corner bakery always knew that your mother didn’t like her bread pre-sliced – she wanted it left intact so she could cut it later at home. In that era, you knew that your patronage was valued – YOU mattered to the owner and they took concrete steps to ensure that you kept doing business with them.

People don’t do business with the ‘name’ on the door. They do business with YOU – another live, human being, and to succeed you need to incorporate “R & R” – respect & responsibility, into your interactions with others. Your own core values need to come across clearly in every aspect of your business, whether it is from the moment you pick up the phone and say “Hello! This is Cookie speaking. How can I help you today?” to ensuring that when you make promises to the customer, you deliver on time, every time. They care whether their needs are being met and that they can trust you to give them the best bang for their hard-earned buck.

Which leads me to ask you this question: Are your actions matching your values?

Here are what I believe to be the 3 key elements to running a successful and service-based business:

  1. Honesty. As a consumer yourself, I know you want to deal with people who are up front about their product/service. Are you doing the same with your clients? Do you tell them exactly what you are capable of bringing to the table, or do you ‘snow’ them with empty promises that you know you won’t be able to deliver on? Yes, sometimes being totally honest means you may have to let a potential client go elsewhere, but I can guarantee you that they’ll remember you for being upfront and honest with them. And guess what? Perhaps when they do have a need for what you provide, they’ll remember YOUR name because you told them the truth. Period.
  2. Trust. Have you ever walked away from doing business with a company simply because you had a gut feeling that you couldn’t trust a word they were saying? I know I have because I can’t do business with someone I don’t feel comfortable with. It is inconsistent with my core values. Fostering trust is a huge plus in my books. Do you ‘walk your talk’ or are you full of hot air? Bluffing your way through a sales pitch is a dead giveaway that you don’t trust your own product/service enough to look people in the eye and be able to sell yourself and product convincingly. If you don’t have your client’s trust, they’ll move on to someone who they can work with without worrying they’re being taken advantage of.
  3. Value. Do you really appreciate your clients and for that matter, members of your own team? If so, do you tell them how pleased you are that they’re doing business with you? When was the last time you sat your team down and told them that without their contribution to your business, the company wouldn’t be as flourishing as it is today? How often have you genuinely thanked your clients for being part of your success? Better yet, when was the last time you asked your clients how you can serve them better? Two simple words used often and sincerely can go a long way to establishing your reputation as someone worthy of conducting business with, and those two words are “Thank you.”  Say them often and mean it!

If you follow these three small steps and incorporate them into your everyday business life, I can guarantee you that your customers will remain loyal to your business and you.

And true loyalty is priceless.

And if you need a fresh perspective and a partner to help you get back to basics and an action plan for 2011 and beyond, take advantage of my Complimentary Business Strategy Session.

NEWS FLASH: Overwhelm Is Not Terminal

August 3, 2010

“You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence, and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them.” – Jay Abraham

Does this sound like your mantra? “I’m drowning in overwhelm and I can’t seem to get everything done! I don’t understand why this keeps happening to me.” Okay, this is one of those ‘Wake up, Alice this ain’t Wonderland’ moments I’m always referring to. Trying to please everyone runs deep. It runs so far into your inner core that you most likely don’t even realize when it is happening much less see a solution to the problem.

For a lot of us, we are taught at an early age to be kind, be nice, always try to help others, and never upset the ‘status quo.’ As a matter of fact, our worth was measured by it. We did what was asked and we never asked questions. For many of us, myself included, we didn’t even realize there were any options or another choice. The sad thing about this phenomenon is that we keep beating ourselves up thinking that there is something wrong with us because we can’t seem to keep it altogether and get everything done. Stop right now! There is nothing wrong with you. Being in the state of overwhelm is not terminal. You do have choices and you can change and get out of the state of overwhelm.

It took me a lot of years (50 to be exact), to realize that the majority of my overwhelm and frustration was created by me. Imagine that. I was so busy nurturing and serving others that I didn’t take me or my needs seriously. Consequently, I kept shooting myself in the foot and my ‘To Do’ list kept growing.

If you are in OVERWHELM, it means three things.

  1. You are NOT managing your commitments wisely. Notice I said commitments instead of time. You can never manage time, you can only manage your commitments. We all get the same amount of hours in the day: no more, no less, no matter how you squeeze it. Ask yourself, are your actions in keeping with your goals/intentions? Are your actions also honoring your core values?
  2. You are NOT setting boundaries. How many of your activities are choices and how many are should’s? Should’s are those things you are doing because you are too afraid to say NO. Heaven forbid that you would hurt someone else’s feelings by uttering that 2 letter word. For example, just because you have an open door policy in your office doesn’t mean that you have to be the doormat. You are allowed to close the door and set some guidelines around interruptions. You will get a whole lot more accomplished in your day. And you will be role modeling professionalism and leadership. Start eliminating some of the should’s in your day and see how much space you open up.
  3. You are NOT making requests and asking for the support you need. How many times have you said to yourself, “I really don’t want to ask someone because that will take up their time. I’ll just do it myself. It will be faster anyway.” Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be a martyr. You can ask for support. And usually people are quite willing to help. Remember, if you are going to be up to big things in your life, you will have to learn the art of making requests and delegating some of the responsibilities. Oh, and wishful thinking and complaining out loud does not constitute a request.

Learning how to manage your commitments, set boundaries, and make effective requests is the key to getting rid of being overwhelmed, overcommitted, and overpowered, and onto more productivity, more profit, and more peace in your life NOW. You do have a choice and you can change. If you don’t like the way your life is going right now, it’s up to you to make the decision to embrace change and take the necessary steps to living the life YOU chose.

And if you’re really serious about kicking your overwhelm out the door and learning how to be more productive in less time, then contact me  for a FREE Get Acquainted Session at

© 2010 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

Does Integrity Reside In Your Business?

May 4, 2010

“Integrity is not a 90 percent thing, not a 95 percent thing; either you have it or you don’t.” – Peter Scotese

Opening up the newspaper or turning on the news can be a really scary act these days, which is why I don’t recommend doing either of these activities on a regular basis. It seems as if greed and lack of ethics are running rampant in every facet of our lives. The world of business has gotten so far out of hand that almost everyday the powers that be are uncovering yet another ponzi scheme or swindle scam that makes casualties out of honest, hard working folks who trusted the system and have now lost everything. What does it say about human beings who would sacrifice everything for the almighty dollar?

How did we get here? Better yet, how do we get back to what really matters, namely core values, trust, respect, and building relationships instead of tearing them down? Whatever happened to the word ‘integrity’ in our personal and professional lives?

By definition, integrity is the alignment of everything that we do, say, act, think, and be in a way that is respectful to ourselves and others. It’s not a 90 percent thing or a 95 percent thing: either you have it or you don’t. In other words, if your actions don’t match your mouth, it ain’t happening.

There was a time and not that long ago, where the customer depended on the honesty and integrity of the merchant they were doing business with and respected them for their principles. If a salesperson said that “X” was going to work, you simply accepted what they said at face value and believed them. Plus if “X” didn’t perform the way you expected, you got on the phone, called the store where you purchased the item, registered your dismay, and they promptly fixed the problem to YOUR satisfaction, not theirs.

For those of you who are reading this and saying, “Yeah, but Cookie, things are different these days. We’re living in a different world, and you seem to be stuck in the Dark Ages.” Um, nope, I’m not. Things have gotten way out of hand and it’s time for a return to what’s really important – values, integrity, and honesty. I’m seeing glimmers of light that a new way of doing business is rapidly approaching and I for one am glad to see it coming.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to see if you are walking your talk in your business:

  1. How do I handle customer complaints? Do I put off returning customer calls because I know they might have a problem that I’ll have to deal with, or do I face them straight on, handle the situation immediately knowing that a satisfied customer is a repeat customer? It is twice as hard to secure new customers as it does to keep your existing ones happy, so take good care of the ones you already have. Build relationships, not adversaries.
  2. Am I proactive instead of reactive? Do I willingly own up to an error in judgement on my behalf with both my customers and team? If I make a mistake, am I honest enough to stand up and admit it? Or do I shut up and wait for someone else to find the error and only then react? I can guarantee you that if you wait to get ‘found out’ you’re going to end up with egg on your face every time. And believe me when I tell you that no amount of soap can get you out of a sticky situation.
  3. Am I working for the betterment of my customers or simply chasing a buck? Do I sincerely care that my customers and team members are happy to interact with me, or am I simply making a sale for the sake of the dollars in my bank account? If you’re working for the glory of the dollar, you’ll end up miserable. However, if you’re in business to serve your customers with the best possible experience, you’ll not only reap amazing financial benefits, but you’ll be able to sleep a whole lot better every night.

So folks, what’s it going to be? Honesty or lying? Dollar chasing or contentment? Integrity is an all or nothing thing. There are no grey areas. You’ve either got it or you don’t. When you’ve got integrity, you’ve got success and peace. Try it. It works.

And if you’re having trouble getting back on track, give me a call or email me to schedule a time to chat at

© 2010 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered” and receive monthly Success Tips at

WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See the Free Resources Page on Cookie’s Web Site

© 2009 Success Source, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Cookie Tuminello, THE Team Builder of the South, has been empowering teams and igniting productivity since 1999. Learn more about how Cookie empowers CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members in her FREE Report "50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed to Empowered" and receive weekly Success Tips at


Want To Go From A Good To Great Leader in 2010??

February 2, 2010

“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.” – Author Unknown

Being a terrific leader takes commitment, confidence, and clarity. It doesn’t matter if you’re a supervisor, CEO or entrepreneur – the steps you need to know in order to motivate the people who work with you are the same. The old school method of employing ‘scare’ tactics, i.e. “If you don’t do what I TELL you do, then there’s the door!” doesn’t cut it anymore in today’s business world. Besides, if you still subscribe to the “It’s my way or the highway” way of thinking, you’re going to alienate everyone who works in your company or organization and nothing will be accomplished except for making enemies out of your staff.

Here are 4 steps that will take you from good to great leader.

1. Set a clear direction for your team. Clarity begets desired results. If you aren’t clear about where you’re going, do you think your team will be? As a leader, your role is to be the visionary who paints the picture for them to follow. If you aren’t clear about the necessary steps your staff need to take to accomplish a goal, then a lot of time is going to be wasted running around in circles. Create a clear action plan – one that shows exactly how and what you want to get done. If needed, draw a roadmap diagram on paper outlining the full process, starting with the objective and detailing what each person is responsible to complete. The better your directions are, the easier it will be to get the goal finished.

2. Make sure your actions match your intentions and visions. You, as the leader, need to know what you envision being the final outcome of the project/task you’re asking your employees to work on. Do you want to ‘wow’ a client with an exceptional product presentation? Can you see the final project completed? What does it look like to you? Are YOU excited about this task? Your own level of commitment and enthusiasm needs to come across loud and clear to your team. If you’re ho hum about the outcome, then guess what – that’s the attitude that will be adopted by members of your team. Some of us are ‘big picture’ thinkers. We forget about all the details on how to get to that big picture, but as the leader you can’t allow yourself to let those minute details slide. If you do, then the final outcome will definitely not be to your liking.

3. Create a cohesive team. You must have confidence in your team and their abilities. Knowing who fits in where in your team is crucial to creating success. You need to assign the ‘right’ people to the ‘right’ tasks. If Suzie doesn’t like concept writing, but loves to work on graphics, then make sure you assign her that portion of the job. Knowing the strengths of each member of the team is crucial in achieving a super end result. No one likes to work on something they detest doing. By forcing them to take on duties they absolutely hate creates resentment, and resentment either slows down the entire project or provides a poor performance.

4. Work smarter, not harder. I know you’ve heard this phrase a million times, but it bears repeating. By learning to delegate the workload to the right person will lift some of the weight of turning in a top-notch end result off your own shoulders. Your role is to be the visionary – not the micro-manager! You role model what it means to be a leader and a follower, and in turn you inspire and create great leaders for the future. And isn’t that the purpose of being a leader?

If you want to go from good to great leader in your business and need some direction and support, email me for a Get Acquainted Session today at

There is No Such Thing as a Good Excuse

January 26, 2010

“Bad excuses are worse than none.” – Thomas Fuller

Have you ever noticed how we, (myself included), medicate ourselves with excuses for not being happy, not being successful, or not reaching our goals? It’s as if these excuses make it all better. There are no ‘good’ excuses, they’re simply just excuses. In reality, these excuses keep us stuck. Last week, I was talking to a friend and I caught myself doing this exact thing. I stopped in mid sentence and said, “No excuses, I just didn’t do it.” I was then able to recommit and move on to bigger and better things.

Well, here we are 4 weeks into the new year. How are you doing with your New Year’s intentions? You notice I did not say New Year’s resolutions, because as we all know they don’t last as long as some of the hangovers. Are you starting to crawfish out and make excuses for not taking action on those goals?

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when setting your New Year’s Intentions and goals.

  1. Is this goal a ‘should’ or a ‘choice?’ Sometimes we set goals based on what we or someone else thinks we should do. If it’s a ‘should’ then your chances of succeeding are slim to none because you’re not committed to making it happen.
  1. Are my goals smart, realistic goals for me? Be realistic about what you are willing to do to achieve the end result. Challenge and stretch yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure. Remember goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
  1. What is my plan of action? Do you have steps in place to get you to the finish line, and again, are they realistic ones? Sometimes we get so caught up in the ‘doing’ that we fail to do the necessary ‘planning’ that’ll keep us on track. As the old saying goes, “You have to crawl before you walk” and the same goes when making an action plan. It would great if we could simply twitch our nose like Samantha in “Bewitched” and everything would be instantly finished for us, but that’s not real life. Map out a clear plan of what you need to do, step by sometimes painstaking slow step, to get you to where you want to be.
  1. Am I ready to let go of tired practices that aren’t working and try something new? For example, you’ve tried getting new clients via sending out newsletters on a regular basis and so far you’ve only gotten 10 over the past year. Now is the time to try a new tactic or approach to build your list. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and that same principle applies to your business and life. Unless you really enjoy running into that proverbial brick wall, embrace change and move on. Keep trying new things until you find a method that works for you and helps you achieve the level of success you desire.
  1. Do I have the support of a mentor or coach to keep me focused and accountable? In today’s changing marketplace, having a mentor or coach is no longer considered to be a luxury in your business, it is a necessity. Why? Because they can help boost your confidence, stop procrastination, minimize trial and error, and get better results in less time.  My own coach holds me accountable, focused, and keeps me honest so I don’t sabotage myself.

If you practice these 5 simple steps, I can guarantee you that you’ll achieve every item that’s on your list of intentions for 2010. Plus if you get stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’ as I call it, send me an email at and I’ll help you get straightened out and moving forward.

© 2010 Cookie Tuminello – Success Source, LLC

A Little Respect

January 26, 2010

Success Principle

In response to last week’s article, I received this comment and question –

“Money is not the most important thing to me, I just want a little respect! How can I get that from my boss?”
~ M.B., Charleston, SC

Respect begets respect. You have to respect yourself enough to set some boundaries around what’s acceptable behavior and what’s not. We give people permission to treat us the way they do. The first thing that you need to know is that you do have choices here. You can quit or you can take a stand respectfully. However, if you don’t handle this problem now, it will show up in again in your next job. My suggestion would be to handle it now.

Somewhere along the way, your boss got the idea that it was okay to talk to you like that. Now what you have to do is take back that permission by having a conversation with this person. You now need to let them know that those comments are not acceptable or productive. Then request that the two of you come up with another method of letting you know when something is not working up to expectation. Here are 3 steps that will help make that conversation a success:

  1. Determine what’s working and not working for you before you have this conversation. You can’t make requests if you aren’t clear about what you want from the other person.
  2. Set an appointment for this conversation. You don’t want to have this conversation in the hallway or on the fly.
  3. Always have the intention of conducting win/win conversations, not win/lose ones. Respect begets respect.

Good luck with setting your boundaries.

Love ya,

Cookie Tuminello - The Team Builder of the South!