Posts Tagged ‘delegation’

6 Steps to Get Out of Procrastination and Into Action

September 3, 2009

**ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED – July 21st, 2009**

“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.” ~ Napoleon Hill

Most people love to procrastinate on completing things that they just don’t ‘want’ to do or plain old dislike doing. Constantly telling ourselves, “I’ll get around to that … soon” is just like a dog trying to catch his own tail. We end up going around and around in circles accomplishing nothing. What a vicious cycle! The way I see it, we have two choices: we can mentally press what I call the Procrastination Pause button, or we can start NOW to work on our personal ‘wish list’ and not waste time doing absolutely nothing.

With all that being said, about 2 months ago I started taking a look at my goals for this year. Although I was quite pleased with my accomplishments made so far, there was one goal that I kept pushing aside. I had been saying it was time for me to take my business to the next level with the addition of new programs that I had been talking about for a long time. This was like the “What’s next?” for me. Even though I knew that, I still procrastinated. Not only was I holding myself back, I was holding my team back. Their work depended on me doing my work first. Procrastination is a pesky little devil that hangs on tenaciously, and I wasn’t quite ready to do a whole shift in my business.

However, I knew that if I didn’t put the wheels in motion to bring about the change in direction that I wanted for my business – and soon! – then I’d probably be beating myself up mentally with the shoulda, woulda, coulda conversation.

Since everybody I know dwells in ‘procrastination land’ on occasion, here are 6 important steps to get your engines revving at full speed ahead and dump procrastination from your work life.

  1. Make a clear list of what you want to do and set a time frame. You have got to know where you are going before you can go there, and set a definite finish date. This keeps you accountable to yourself.
  2. Check off what is an absolute priority. When I say priority, I mean an absolute “must do”.
  3. Determine what can be realistically delegated. Contrary to popular belief, there are things on your list that can be handled by others. For example, gathering data for reports, copying, phone calls, etc. Asking for support will allow you to get farther, faster and with less stress.
  4. Take a look at what is left on your list. Ask yourself if this is a “must do” or a “should do.” If you have some “shoulds” on your list – dump them! Oh, I can hear the “buts” coming up now. No Buts! If you have items on your list like that, you are probably not committed to doing them. So why put yourself through the agony of defeat and invalidation? Let them go!
  5. Make a plan of action. Determine what you will do daily to achieve your goal and what support you will need. The intention is to design a plan that will work for you, not stress you out more.
  6. Focus on the present and what you have to do today. This step will keep you from going into overwhelm.

So, let’s see, the choice was mentally press the pause button or finish what you started. You have now got a plan. All it needs is for you to provide the action. Remember, it’s not about finishing, it’s about starting.

If you are having trouble creating a vision and a plan of action for you and your team and need some direction, email me for a Get Acquainted Session today at: